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Langdon and Jennings – 2018 Harmsworth Trophy winners

John Moore on 27th August 2018

Drew Langdon and Miles Jennings were awarded with the Harmsworth Trophy at the Royal Yacht Squadron last night.

The Harmsworth is the oldest motorboating trophy in the world and was first awarded in 1903 to lady racer Dorothy Levitt.

Langdon and Jennings raced their Mercury powered Outerlimits hull, Silverline, at 3 Offshore events in Britain this season and won at Falmouth and Cowes.

The Warpath team of Glenn Chidzoy, Ole Finholt and Gordon Compton competing in an Ilmor powered Bob Saccenti / Don Aronow designed hull were runners-up.

They won the Fortudio Property Poole Bay 100 race in June, were second in Falmouth and were third overall at Cowes yesterday.

Photo: Malc Attrill